Acceleration Converter

Standard gravitational accelerationkilometer / square hour (km/h²)

Acceleration unit conversion table

Name of unitSymbolDefinitionRelation to SI units
footper hourper secondfph/s≡ 1 ft/(h·s)= 8.4 6×10 −5 m/s 2
footper minuteper secondfpm/s≡ 1 ft/(min·s)= 6997508000000000000♠5.08 ×10 −3 m/s 2
footper secondsquaredfps 2≡ 1 ft/s 2= 6999304800000000000♠3.048 ×10 −1 m/s 2
gal; galileoGal≡ 1 cm/s 2= 10 −2m/s 2
inchper minuteper secondipm/s≡ 1 in/(min·s)= 4.2 3×10 −4m/s 2
inchper secondsquaredips 2≡ 1 in/s 2= 6998254000000000000♠2.54 ×10 −2 m/s 2
knotper secondkn/s≡ 1 kn/s≈ 5.1 4×10 −1 m/s 2
metre per second squared(SI unit)m/s 2≡ 1 m/s 2= 1 m/s 2
mileper hourper secondmph/s≡ 1 mi/(h·s)= 6999447040000000000♠4.4704 ×10 −1 m/s 2
mileper minuteper secondmpm/s≡ 1 mi/(min·s)= 26.8224 m/s 2
mileper secondsquaredmps 2≡ 1 mi/s 2= 7003160934400000000♠1.609 344×10 3 m/s 2
standard gravityɡ07000980665000000000♠9.806 65 m/s 2= 7000980665000000000♠9.806 65 m/s 2