- ASCII to binary
- ASCII to hex
- Binary to ASCII
- Binary,octal,decimal,hex converter
- Binary to octal
- Binary to decimal
- Binary to hex
- Binary to base 32
- Binary to base 36
- Binary to base 64
- Date to roman numerals
- Decimal to fraction
- Decimal to percent
- Decimal to binary
- Decimal to octal
- Decimal to hex
- Degrees to degrees,minutes,seconds
- Degrees,minutes, seconds to degrees
- Degrees to radians
- Fraction to decimal
- Fraction to percent
- Hex to ASCII
- Hex to binary
- Hex to decimal
- Octal to decimal
- Octal to binary
- Percent to decimal
- Percent to fraction
- Percent to ppm
- ppm to percent
- ppm to ppb
- ppm to ppt
- ppb to ppm
- ppt to ppm
- Radians to degrees
- Roman numeral to decimal