Temperature unit conversion table
This table contains conversions between almost all temperature units. Some units of temperature are common and some are relatively rare. This is a good query tool. Temperature Converter
Name of unit | Symbol | Definition | Relation to SI units |
degree Celsius | °C | [°C] ≡ [K] − 273.15 | [K] ≡ [°C] + 273.15 |
degree Delisle | °De | [K] = 373.15 − [°De] × 2⁄ 3 | |
degree Fahrenheit | °F | [°F] ≡ [°C] × 9⁄ 5+ 32 | [K] ≡ ([°F] + 459.67) × 5⁄ 9 |
degree Newton | °N | [K] = [°N] × 100⁄ 33+ 273.15 | |
degree Rankine | °R; | [°R] ≡ [K] × 9⁄ 5 | [K] ≡ [°R] × 5/9 |
degree Réaumur | °Ré | [K] = [°Ré] × 5⁄ 4+ 273.15 | |
degree Rømer | °Rø | [K] = ([°Rø] − 7.5) × 40⁄ 21+ 273.15 | |
Regulo Gas Mark | GM; | [°F] ≡ [GM] × 25 + 300 | [K] ≡ [GM] × 125⁄ 9+ 422.038 |
kelvin(SI base unit) | K | ≡ 1⁄ 273.16of the thermodynamic temperatureof the triple point of water. | ≡ 1 K |