Length unit conversion table

This table contains conversions between almost all length units. Some units of length are common and some are relatively rare. This is a good query tool.  Length Converter

Name of unitSymbolDefinitionRelation to SI units
ångströmÅ6990100000000000000♠1 ×10 −10 m≡ 0.1 nm
astronomical unitAU7011149597870700000♠149 597870700 m
≈ Distance from Earth to Sun
7011149597870700000♠149 597870700 m
attometream6982100000000000000♠1 ×10 −18 m6982100000000000000♠1 ×10 −18 m
barleycorn(H) = ​ 13 in(see note above about rounding)≈ 8.4 6×10 3m
bohr, atomic unit of lengtha0= Bohr radiusof hydrogen6989529177210920000♠5.291 7721092(17) ×10 −11 m
cable length (imperial) ≡ 608 ft≈ 185.3184 m
cable length(International) ≡ ​ 110 nmi≡ 185.2 m
cable length (US) ≡ 720 ft= 219.456 m
chain( Gunter's; Surveyor's)ch≡ 66 ft(US) ≡ 4 rods 7001201168400000000♠20.116 84 m
cubit(H) ≡ Distance from fingers to elbow ≈ 18 in≈ 0.5 m
ell(H)ell≡ 45 in (In England usually)= 1.143 m
fathomftm≡ 6 ft = 1.8288 m
femtometrefm6985100000000000000♠1 ×10 −15 m6985100000000000000♠1 ×10 −15 m
fermifm6985100000000000000♠1 ×10 −15 m6985100000000000000♠1 ×10 −15 m
finger ≡ ​ 78in= 6998222250000000000♠0.022 225 m
finger (cloth) ≡ ​ 4  12in= 0.1143 m
foot(Benoît) (H)ft (Ben)6999304799735000000♠0.304 799735 m
foot (Cape) (H) Legally defined as 1.033 English feet in 18596999314858000000000♠0.314 858 m
foot (Clarke's) (H)ft (Cla)6999304797265400000♠0.304 7972654 m
foot (Indian) (H)ft Ind6999304799514000000♠0.304 799514 m
foot, metricmf110m [ citation needed]≈ 0.31622776602 m
foot, metric (long)lmf≡ ​ 13m≈ 0. 3m
foot, metric (short)smf≡ 0.30 m≡ 0.30 m
foot (International)ft≡ 0.3048 m ≡ ​ 13yd ≡ 12 inches≡ 0.3048 m
foot (Sear's) (H)ft (Sear)6999304799470000000♠0.304 79947 m
foot (US Survey)ft (US)≡ ​ 7003120000000000000♠12007003393700000000000♠3937m 6999304800610000000♠0.304 800610 m
french; charriereF≡ ​ 13mm= 0. 3×10 3m
furlongfur≡ 10 chains = 660 ft = 220 yd = 201.168 m
hand ≡ 4 in ≡ 0.1016 m
inch(International)in≡ 2.54 cm ≡ ​ 136yd ≡ ​ 112 ft≡ 0.0254 m
league(land)lea≈ 1 hour walk, Currently defined in US as 3 Statute miles, but historically varied from 2 to 9 km7003482800000000000♠4828 m
light-day ≡ 24 light-hours7013259020683712000♠2.590 20683712×10 13 m
light-hour ≡ 60 light-minutes7012107925284880000♠1.079 2528488×10 12 m
light-minute ≡ 60 light-seconds7010179875474800000♠1.798 754748×10 10 m
light-second ≡ Distance light travels in one second in vacuum7008299792458000000♠299 792458 m
light-yearly≡ Distance light travels in vacuum in 365.25 days = 7015946073047258080♠9.460 7304725808×10 15 m
lineln≡ ​ 112in = 0.002 11 6m
link(Gunter's; Surveyor's)lnk≡ ​ 1100ch ≡ 0.66 ft(US) ≡ 7.92 in6999201168400000000♠0.201 1684 m
link (Ramsden's; Engineer's)lnk≡ 1 ft = 0.3048 m
metre( SI base unit)
m≡ Distance light travels in ​ 17008299792458000000♠299 792458of a second in vacuum.
≈ ​ 17007100000000000000♠10 000000of the distance from equator to pole.
≡ 1 m
mickey ≡ ​ 1200in= 6996127000000000000♠1.27 ×10 −4 m
micrometre(old: micron)μ; μm6994100000000000000♠1 ×10 −6 m6994100000000000000♠1 ×10 −6 m
mil; thoumil6995254000000000000♠1 ×10 −3 in6995254000000000000♠2.54 ×10 −5 m
mil(Sweden and Norway)mil≡ 10 km= 7004100000000000000♠10 000 m
mile (geographical)(H)7003185379360000000♠6082 ft= 7003185379360000000♠1 853.7936 m
mile(international)mi≡ 80 chains ≡ 7003160934400000000♠5280 ft7003160934400000000♠1760 yd7003160934400000000♠1 609.344 m
mile(tactical or data)7003182880000000000♠6000 ft7003182880000000000♠1 828.8 m
mile (telegraph) (H)mi7003185531760000000♠6087 ft= 7003185531760000000♠1 855.3176 m
mile (US Survey)mi7003528000000000000♠5280US Survey feet ≡ ( 7003528000000000000♠5280× ​ 7003120000000000000♠12007003393700000000000♠3937) m7003160934721900000♠1 609.347 219 m
nail (cloth) ≡ ​ 2  14in = 6998571500000000000♠0.057 15 m
nanometrenm6991100000000000000♠1 ×10 −9 m6991100000000000000♠1 ×10 −9 m
nautical leagueNL; nl≡ 3 nmi = 7003555600000000000♠5556 m
nautical mile (Admiralty)NM (Adm); nmi (Adm)= 7003185318400000000♠6080 ft= 7003185318400000000♠1 853.184 m
nautical mile(international)NM; nmi7003185200000000000♠1852 m7003185200000000000♠1852 m
nautical mile (US pre 1954)≡ 1853.248 m≡ 1853.248 m
pace ≡ 2.5 ft = 0.762 m
palm ≡ 3 in = 0.0762 m
parsecpcDistant point with a parallax shift of one arc second from a base of one astronomical unit.
7005648000000000000♠648 000/π AU
7016308567758149137♠30 856775814913700 m
pica ≡ 12 pointsDependent on point measures.
picometrepm6988100000000000000♠1 ×10 −12 m6988100000000000000♠1 ×10 −12 m
point(American, English) pt≡ ​ 172.272 in6996351450000000000♠0.000 351450 m
point (Didot; European) pt≡ ​ 112× ​ 172of pied du roi;

After 1878:
≡ ​ 5133 cm
6996375970000000000♠0.000 37597 m;

After 1878:
6996375939850000000♠0.000 37593985 m
point ( PostScript) pt≡ ​ 172 in= 0.000 352 7m
point ( TeX) pt≡ ​ 172.27 in= 0.00 0 3514598m
quarter ≡ ​ 14yd= 0.2286 m
rod; pole; perch (H)rd≡ ​ 16  12ft= 5.0292 m
rope(H)rope≡ 20 ft = 6.096 m
shaku(Japan)≡ 10/33 m≈ 0.303 0303 m
span (H)  ≡ 9 in = 0.2286 m
spat 7012100000000000000♠1 ×10 12 m
stick (H) ≡ 2 in= 0.0508 m
toise(French, post 1667) (H)T≡ 27000/13853 m≈ 1.949 0363 m
twiptwp≡ ​ 11440in= 1.763 8×10 −5m
x unit; siegbahnxu6987100210000000000♠1.0021 ×10 −13m
yard(International)yd≡ 0.9144 m ≡ 3 ft ≡ 36 in≡ 0.9144 m
yoctometreym6976099999999999999♠1 ×10 −24 m6976099999999999999♠1 ×10 −24 m
zeptometrezm6979099999999999999♠1 ×10 −21 m6979099999999999999♠1 ×10 −21 m